

29-04-14 - Yasar Atas : Spectral density of the quantum Ising model in two fields Gaussian and multi-Gaussian approximations

28-04-14 - Rémy Dubertrand : New directions in quantum chaos

24-04-14 - Klaus Hornberger : Probing the quantum superposition principle

10-04-14 - Ward Struyve : Semi-classical approximations based on Bohmian mechanics

31-03-14 - Robert Brady and Ross Anderson : Why bouncing droplets are a pretty good model of electromagnetism

05-12-14 - Jeong-Bo Shim : Deformed Microcavity and Numerical Technique for its Analysis

07-11-13 - Chris Richardson : A nonlinear Schrödinger equation that exhibits linear quantum behavior

17-10-13 - Maxime Hubert : A model for bouncing droplets: "Resonance & Antiresonance”

16-10-13 - Carlos Parra-Murillo : Many-body effects and resonant tunneling in the Wannier-Stark system

12-03-13 - Peter Schlagheck : Routes towards a numerical ab initio description of vibrated liquids.

22-01-13 - Rémy Licot : Experiments of droplets in circular confinement. First results.

10-01-13 - Tristan Gilet : Walking drops and Faraday waves. Experiments and modeling at the "macro"scale.

28-11-12 - Chris Richardson : Bohmian mechanics. An introduction.

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